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Grupo Empresarial de la Industria Sidero-Mecánica GESIME
It was instituted on November 9, 2012.

Until that same date it was the Ministry of the Sidero Mechanical Industry (SIME) that had its genesis more than 37 years ago, on December 26, 1974, created to direct, execute and control the policy of the State and the Government Cuban for the activities of the steel and mechanical industry.

During the 80s, the SIME undertook a strong investment process to expand and create important manufacturing facilities to produce sugarcane combines, accumulators, irrigation equipment, agricultural implements, electrical appliances, medical equipment and instruments, equipment for biotechnology and the expansion of the steel industry, among others. GESIME was born in 2012 to contribute to the maintenance and development of the industrial branch in Cuba.

Today, the perfection of a solid industry, the advances, transformations and modernization of technology and the desire to overcome objective complexities, form the basis and the profile of work and development of GESIME.

It is a business organization that directs the industrial policies of the steel and metal-mechanic sectors, promoting the strengthening, development and innovation of these processes to replace imports, support the development of secondary industries, and carry out competitive productions for the population and the international market.

We are leaders in the steel and metalworking industry in the country, satisfying the needs of the national and international market with high quality and value-added products and services, providing support services to our industrial productions, with competitive products, engineering project services, with committed and qualified human capital that allows a continuous development, specialization and business, economic and political culture, being an internationally competitive group.








OSDE GESIME, serves two branches of the industry


Develop technologies of forging, casting, stamping, machining, heat treatment, surface coating, generating parts, pieces and equipment for the national industry.

To develop, in coordination with the organizations, the serial production of equipment and accessories aimed at the mechanization of agriculture, construction, metal and modular structures, tools and tools for various uses, equipment for the food and biotechnological industries, industrial technological systems .

Guarantee the maintenance and repair services of the equipment it produces.


OSDE GESIME is chaired by a President, a First Vice-President and three Vice-Presidents

Reinaldo Luis González Reinaldo Luis González
Libia Marrero Pacheco Libia Marrero Pacheco
Vice President


Motores eléctricos TAUBA
Equipos de Unevol s.a
Máquina forrajera
Grada Gr 24-26
Cultivador Ligero CL-10M
Paneles metálicos: sándwich aislados con poliuretano - COMETAL
Alzadora _ KTP
Cajas Ampirol - KTP
Cosechadora de caña CCA-5500 – KTP
Cosechadora de caña CCA-5000 – KTP
Construcciones modulares - EMTA
Cámaras frías - COMETAL
Construcción modular _ COMETAL
Elevadores _COMETAL
Elevadores _COMETAL
Escaleras eléctricas - COMETAL
Modulo puntos de ventas - COMETAL
Envases metálicos _ ENVAMETAL
Máquina de riego PIVOT_ EIR
Minilínea para procesamiento de frutas y vegetales_ VARONA
Minilínea para procesamiento de frutas y vegetales_ VARONA
Montacargas cubano - MONCAR
Reparaciones Medias y Ligeras - EISA Holguín
Cultivador Flexible TC-21- holmeca
Tractolvas - holmeca
Rampa niveladora para muelle de carga- Oleohidráulica Cienfuegos
Troqueles Para corte y conformación -Empresa de Riego (UEB Esae)
Hidromecanismos - KTP
Moldes metálicos para fundición de metales - Empresa de Riego (UEB Esae)
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