FMC 60th Anniversary: ​​Making Revolution on the Go.

Congratulations for the women of Cuban industries.

Congratulations for the women of Cuban industries.

From the very beginning of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, women were at the center of interest, since they had already demonstrated their true value in the different stages of struggle until January 1.
The foundation of the Federation of Cuban Women merged all the organizations that grouped Cuban women into a single new one. Founded on August 23, 1960, its main objective was the incorporation of Cuban women into society and employment, as well as to promote their active participation in the programs of social and economic changes in the brand in the country.

Since its constitution, it had as President Vilma Espín Guillois, who at that time was a member of the Council of State and directed the Commission for the Attention of Women, Children and Youth. After her death, she continues to be considered his Honorary President.

Making Revolution on the Go, the motto for the 60 years of the FMC, is a description of the path traveled by Cuban women, participating actively in each sphere of development of Cuba, in each battle against imperialist aggressions and with the responsibility of being mother, wife, worker and leader.

At a time when efforts are being made to make the national industry perform at its best, to increase exports, boost production chains and use resources and budgets efficiently *, women have an invaluable presence. They put their shoulders together to make Cuba too.

Today's admiration for women in Cuban industries, who work in dissimilar positions: occupying management positions, such as technicians, specialists and managers; or directly in production, in workshops and factories, often challenging prejudices that still persist in society and that undoubtedly deny with demonstrated ability and success.

Thank you women in Revolution.


Gesime, Ecured,