"Oleohidráulica Cienfuegos" substitutes imports in lines of the iron and steel industry

Cuban cylinders produced in Oleohidráulica Cienfuegos

Cuban cylinders produced in Oleohidráulica Cienfuegos

The only one of its kind in Cuba, Oleohidráulica Cienfuegos expands its corporate purpose from the exclusivity of its productions, knowing the needs of the country in the areas of iron and steel and import substitution.
Yadira de la Cruz Chávez, second director of the company, declared to the Cuban News Agency that they have a large portfolio of lines from the most traditional such as hoses and cylinders, hydraulic jacks and pallet trucks to presses, jib cranes, and lifting platforms, inserted in the national market and in the Mariel Special Development Zone (ZEDM).
For example -she indicated- for this year there is an agreement to produce 15 leveling ramps for the ZEDM, where other equipment designed and manufactured by the group from the entity from Cienfuegos is already used.
She also mentioned the work with various national organizations, within the production of food in the agricultural sector, in tourism, or the productions linked to obtaining Nickel in Moa, Holguín, as well as the insertion of the company in cooperative productions with several companies, to produce a line of totally Cuban burners.
De la Cruz Chávez mentioned that they developed a machine to shape sausages, an innovation from the company's own resources, destined for the meat industry. They have already achieved the first two sausages that work in the provinces of Granma and Cienfuegos, and have received requests from other parts of the national territory.

They are also working on the manufacture of a machine to extract oil from corn germ for the Glucose Factory.

She said that the company is also open to the provision of services, with the support of highly trained human capital and highly capable of advising processes and systems in the oil and pneumatics range.

An example of this is the chemical treatment solutions to concrete and metal structures, which have been provided by factory workers, permanently located in the work centers where required.

The technological base is the equipment of the company, modernized after a large investment program and which allows the use of machine service systems on numerical lathes that provide more quality to the parts when finished.

For its part, the qualified and very professional workforce becomes vital for the industry with more than 50 years of foundation, and where the young talent of the students of the University of Cienfuegos is found, with degree tests applied within plant.

Inaugurated in October 1964, this was the first industry built in Cienfuegos at the proposal of the then Minister of Industry Ernesto Guevara de la Serna.
